Top Digital Marketing Tips You Can Apply Today

Shhh ... I'm sharing secrets today.

When you're running an e-commerce business, you've got a ton on your mind. Product lines, customer satisfaction, and administration tasks are overwhelmingly at the forefront of your mind.

And when you finally take a deep breath and plunge into marketing? Terms like "branding," "search engine optimization," and "opt-ins" make your skin crawl.  

It turns out, everyone has an opinion on content marketing. It’s difficult to discern who you should listen to.

Rest easy. Today I'm sharing my top 3 tips to help get your products moving off the shelves—without using fancy techniques, cringy promotions, or spending hours in business classes. 

  1. Choose One Content Marketing Technique and Stay Consistent

Every online marketing guru is going to tell you your first step to success is opening an account in every social media network known to man. Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, TikTok, plus more networks you’ve never even heard of.

The real key to marketing success is recognizing what you’re good at and investing in it.

Most people who go viral do it on an account that fits their gifts.

  • Twitter for hot takes.

  • TikTok for entertainment.

  • Instagram for lifestyle.

And so on… 

There are also tons of marketing opportunities beyond social media. I see the most success with search engine optimization, email marketing, opt-ins, and sponsored ads. 

Once you’ve chosen a marketing technique that fits you and your business, it’s time to create a plan. Do one small task every day to help improve your marketing plan. Write a post, plan an email blast, or research a new keyword for SEO.

Then, begin to implement it.

The reason so many people fail at marketing is because they’re uncomfortable with the idea of consistency. As a society, we value immediate success and the adrenaline rush that comes from big moments. 

But with marketing, it’s really the small moments and practices that make the biggest long-term difference.

Once you see success with one marketing platform, you can move on to a second or hire an expert to help you strategize along the way.

2. Pay Attention to the Entire Sales Funnel, Not Just the First Step

A sales funnel is a diagram we use in marketing to explain how a client goes from first hearing about your product to making a purchase. Here’s a quick breakdown:


Make your customer aware of a product that might benefit them. Awareness takes the form of new social media followers, blog readers, or ad viewers. 


Use engaging content and provide value to generate interest in your company. 


Now that your potential client is engaged, create a desire. Prove to them why they need your product and push them further down the sales funnel by offering special promotions.


Celebrate! All your hard work has paid off, and they made a purchase!


Continue to offer a great customer experience. Provide value, and they’ll become a customer for life.

The Customer Journey

Each stage of the sales funnel is essential to the customer’s journey and loyalty. But most companies only invest in the first step: creating awareness. 

Potential clients need you to prove why your products are the best use of their money before they make a purchase.

By concentrating on the other four essential steps of sales, you’ll be way ahead of your competitors—and you’ll start to see immediate changes in your customer response.

3. Invest in Quantity from the Beginning

Most business start-ups are doing it completely wrong.

Did you know: Your company is more likely to succeed if you financially invest in it from the very beginning? Yes, it’s tempting to pinch pennies when you’re just starting out. But return on investment is a real thing, and it will pay off.

Don’t go beyond your limit, but don’t get stuck in a scarcity mindset, either. Trust yourself and your intuition. 

Here are some ideas for how to invest as a new business owner:

Dedicate Time to Education Every Day

This can look like reading business books, becoming familiar with a CRM, or continuing your education in your specialty products. Make it a goal every day to continue your education and not get too wrapped up in daily tasks.

Buy with the Future in Mind 

This means—buy quality! The systems and marketing programs you use are important to your overall success. Every time you make a purchase, think about how it will positively or negatively impact the future success of your business.

Create a Stunning Website

You know the saying, fake it till you make it? A beautiful website is the best way to fake it. Even if you don’t think you know what you’re doing, your professional website will say otherwise.

To create a high-quality website, hire a graphic designer and copywriter to complete the task. A graphic designer will use colors that psychologically appeal to your ideal customer. And a copywriter use words and techniques that motivate your buyer to make a purchase.

This is your virtual phone book application. The one place people will go to learn about you and your business. Put your best face forward—and the rest will follow.

Get Rid of the Overwhelm and Begin Marketing Today — Your Future Self Will Thank You

Your success as a business owner feels far away. But it’s not.

Poet and author Terah Cox once said, “If You seek what you love, when you find it … it will find you back.”

Apply these simple tips and consistently work toward your goals. They are designed to help you take on small bits and pieces of marketing at a time, so don’t get overwhelmed. Every day, you’ll take one more step toward the business and life you dream of and deserve.

Encourage yourself daily with the success of other business owners in your niche. Use meditation, some fun hygge tips, and most of all—believe in yourself.

You can do this!

* * *

If you need extra support or marketing tips, feel free to reach out. Or if you’re ready to hire a copywriter to help you increase your online presence and boost your sales, schedule a free discovery call here.


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